After years on the Nigerian and UK scene, Kween (Queen Chinyere Onokala) caught her big break last year with her hit song ‘Jebele’, six years after the famous OLURONBI, a folklore song she did with Pasuma. the Don-Jazzy produced song was fan's favourite. She won the Nigerian Music video award, Soundcity music video award and the video received massive airplay. Campus Xcellence had a chat with KWEEN at Cobhams studio where she was putting finishing touches to her newly released songs. here are the excerpts.
CX: What is your name?
KWEEN: my name is Queen Chinyere Onokola am from Umuahia, in Abia state, I attended army children school in Abeokuta for my primary education, had my secondary education in Abakaliki, Ebonyi state and proceeded to University of Abuja where I studied public administration.
CX: What would you call your genre of music?
KWEEN: I can’t really classify my music because I experiment with different type of music. However, the distinctive thing in my music is the African blend. So, whether I do R ‘n’ B, Blues or Soul. You will always find the African flavours.
CX: You are in the studio, what are you cooking?
KWEEN: I am working on my album; I am working presently with Cobhams, OJB and some other capable hands in the industry.
CX: From your song that rocked the airwaves then, “OLURONBI” to the last one “JEBELE” how has the experience been?
KWEEN: Well I have been fortunate, I have been accepted everywhere...........
(Cuts in)....... we guessed the acceptance must have come with lots of money too?
KWEEN: Well, it has come with lots of good; I don’t think I want to start mentioning them one after the other. But the thing there is that you don’t stop working because you have attained a particular level and that’s what I am doing, I keep on working.
CX: When did you start singing professionally?
KWEEN: That should be in the 90’s when I was in school. I was actually with a band and I was with them for about 2 and ½ years. But my first major work was “OLURONBI” in 2001.
CX: We must say that you have come of age in the industry and we can comfortably call you a veteran.
KWEEN: I don’t know about that, but if you say so. Maybe.
CX: At the time you did “OLURONBI”, we didn’t have so many hip-hop artist doing collaboration with Fuji artist. What made you believe that you and Pasuma could pull that song off?
KWEEN: To start with, the song is a Yoruba folk song that has been for ages and it was actually the song itself that directed me to Pasuma because I felt he has one of the best voices in the industry. The folksong actually blended with the Fuji music and it had a kind of difference, which I really was looking for when I did that song.
CX: After “OLURONBI”, there was a vacuum and we didn’t hear your music again until recently. Can you tell us what happened during that period?
KWEEN: After “OLURONBI”, I was pregnant with my first child, so I had to take a break to have the baby, put everything in order and I came back again with the single titled “COME WITH ME”.
CX: Ok, does that mean KWEEN is married now?
KWEEN: No, I am not married but I am in serious relationship right now.
CX: So, does it mean you are no longer available for interested admirers?
KWEEN: Not available at all, but I am available for my fans to buy my CD. Am available to show them love for their supports.
CX: What are those things that inspire you?
KWEEN: I am inspired by personal experiences, things that happen to me and things that happen to other people around me.
CX: What motivates you?
KWEEN: Am motivated by hard work, breaking boundaries, setting mind-blowing target. Trying to achieve my set goals and make all my dreams come true. When I think about all these, I get motivated.
CX: So many people have been asking, what is “JEBELE”?
KWEEN: “JEBELE” is an Igbo word but for the fact that I was singing, I couldn’t pronounce it exactly the way it should be. So a lot of people get confused, but the word means “GO” it is pronounced “JEBE”. Some people have mistaken it for Yoruba or even an Efik word. But it is Igbo and it means GO.
CX: Was the song talking to someone in particular or it was just a general song you wanted to make meaning to somebody.
KWEEN: That song is related to something that happened in my life at some point in time. It was not a made up thing, it came from me, it came from my experience.
CX: Do you have any role models in music here in Nigeria?
KWEEN: I love Cobhams, he produces well, he sings well too. OJB is good as well. And for the artist, I love Asa. I think she is great. Djinee has got great voice, I have lots of love and respect for Onyeka Onwenu, Christy Essien-Igbokwe, these people have done lots of work to change the face of music in Nigeria.
CX: You relocated back to Nigeria from UK not too long ago, are you back for good or you might still take off any moment from now?
KWEEN: Lets not forget I was born and raised here and travelling for me, was an experience and adventure some of us will definitely have in life and there is the coming back home part, one can’t miss that. So, this is home for me no matter where I travel to I will still come back to Nigeria. So many thought I came back because of the music. But no, I am simply coming back to my home because there is no place like home.
CX: Lets talk about the awards and nominations. You won an important award in a very tight category that had the likes of Asa, T.Y Bello and Sasha, was it your first award or just let us into the awards list.
KWEEN: well, SMVA was my second award; I won my first at the Nigeria Music Video Award (NMVA) organized by Cally Ikpe. I was nominated in 5 categories. At the Hip-Hop world Award, I was nominated in 2 categories. SMVA in 2 categories and at the last Nigeria Music Award, I had 1 nomination. But for me, being a nominee at these awards is a win for me and going home with the plaque or the trophy is just an icing on the cake. For an artist to get nominated means your work is being appreciated and for the SMVA, I wasn’t really expecting to win and when my name was called as the winner I was extremely shocked. But, I have won and it was a great experience.
CX: Who shot the video?
KWEEN: Blast and Lumi, they are based in Abuja; they run the company called On-point Africa. The concept was mine and my music director, Smith Joseph also contributed immensely because I believe when great minds come together, you always have great results.
CX: How did you come about your unique look, your hairstyle, dress sense and everything makes you sellable to the public.
KWEEN: Well, we all wear cloth, we all wear shoes and what have you, but I guess the only difference about me is my hair. Because it almost the first thing you will notice about me. Why I decided to do this style is that I have done all kind of hairstyles before now and I realized I needed a change, I needed something not very common. So, I started doing this Afro and I noticed that people don’t do Afro anymore. It’s a bit of Old school, my Mum used to carry this kind of hair which I think is unique. Then in my videos, I love to wear African outfits because of its uniqueness and I see it as an opportunity to showcase them when I am doing my video. I love the Ankaras the Laces, the Kampala and I make different designs with them. It has also given birth to my collection.
CX: We heard about your clothing line you are launching soon. Tell us about it.
KWEEN: The name of the clothing line is KQ. It means KWEEN the artist and QUEEN the person. I am launching it later this year or early next year. Because I don’t want to rush, I am about perfection, professionalism and precision. I want to have a lasting impression with my cloth line so I can get followers and buyers and I am working on it everyday.
CX: Have you ever stolen meat from your Mum’s pot when you were a kid? ....(laughter)
KWEEN: I don’t think so, she always give me whatever I want and anytime I want it. even when she is still cooking I only have to ask and she will give me so I don’t need to steal.
CX: If you have the opportunity to change certain things about your physical self, what would they be?
KWEEN: First, I would love to have a flat tummy. I mean very flat tummy and I would wish my boobs were a little bigger.......(CX...cuts in..) but you could enlarge that).....KWEEN: Oh, Come’ on. I only wish.
CX: If you have the opportunity to come back to this world again, who or what would you like to come back as?
KWEEN: Uhmm............Let me see... I would want to come back as Bill Gate.
CX: You mean rich? and as a man?
KWEEN: Well I don’t mind.
CX: Have you ever had a big crush on anybody in the industry?
KWEEN: NO. The only person I had a crush on, I already have him and that’s my boyfriend.
CX: We are actually talking about girlish crush you just have on some popular music personalities when you were much younger.
KWEEN: I never thought about that when I was younger. Infact, I was a geek, I thought nobody was ever going to talk to me because I had this very long neck I was too thin and I was always wearing glasses because I had a bad eye. So there was no reason for crush or anything.
CX: Three things one can always find in your bag.
KWEEN: My cash card, my make up kits and my phone.
CX: Most embarrassing moment
KWEEN: Well, one day I was supposed to perform and as they called me on stage and I as I was walking to the stage; I had this short on and the side zip snapped and went off. I had to hold it with my hands, got to the stage, took the microphone and explain my situation to the audience. I actually asked for help, I asked for anyone who has safety pin to lend me. So a girl came up with a safety pin to help me and she was fixing it right there on stage. All the guys were shouting that she should be careful with the pin and not pierce my skin. It was embarrassing but what could I have done.
CX: A message to fans.
KWEEN: Well, I love them, I thank them for their support and I want to let them know that without them there would be no KWEEN. And I will always do my best not to disappoint them.
CX: Your philosophy of life.