Wednesday, January 14, 2009


An old man who lived long ago enjoyed a reputation in his community for near-infinite wisdom. A young lad, skeptical of the aura surrounding the old man, decided to demystify him once and for all. He caught a cricket, enfolded it in his hands and called out to the old man, “Old man, the cricket I am holding, is it alive or dead?” the young man had come up with a clever idea though, he thought “if the old man says the cricket is alive, I shall crush it in an instant, “if on the other hand, he says it is dead, I shall release it and show him to be wrong”. The old man then looked at the boy squarely and told him in a slow deep voice, “Young man, whether the cricket is dead or alive lies in your hands” the young man went back disappointed. My friends, whether this year is going to open you up to endless possibilities or perilous experiences is up to you. Living a better life is about being able to live life at its peak and fulfill your destiny on this terrestrial platform. All I will be sharing with you in this article that will pace you up for success s encapsulated in the word; B-E-T-T-E-R.

B- Be bold: 2009, like every other year, is not going to be a piece of cake but our fulfillment and roof raising achievement is predicated on the magnitude of boldness we take into the New year which eventually makes us outstanding in our various life’s pursuit. In the words of Dolores Ibarruri, “It is better to be the widow of a hero than to be the wife of a coward” To be willing to do better, you have to face your fears and lean on your faith. Owen Gee, one of the Nigeria’s comedians took a bold step when he quit his lucrative job to pursue his passion – stand up comedy. Today, Owen Gee is living his dream and crashing ceilings in his chose craft. So many other examples of such people abound around us.

E- Embrace Excellence: Vince Lombardi said, “Your success in life will be determined by the depth of your commitment to excellence than by any other factor” Resolve to be the very best at what you do, seek to increase your capacity for excellence and efficiency.

T- Think Possibilities: people bound for greatness think possibilities all the way. They are die-hard optimists who are unshakeable despite the gravity of whatever they are going through. In life, you most times don’t get what you deserve, you mostly get what you believe and enthusiastically expect.

T- Tenacity: Michael Jordan was told he was not good enough when he decided to join his varsity basketball team, but he refused to give up. Today, he is one of the greatest sportsmen of our time. Mahatma Gandhi once remarked, “ The history of the world is full of men who rose to prominence by tenacity” So be tenacious, persistence wears out every resistance.

E- Execute: Kane Kramer, a British gentleman, designed and sketched the first Ipod in 1979, but did nothing with it. Today, the Ipod has taken over the world while he remains until recently, a store man at a furniture company in Hertfordshire, England. Nothing happens unless you move and nothing moves until you move it. Action orientation is still the culmination factor that leads to predictable success. Resolve to take steps of action towards your projects, dreams, proposals and plans this year.

R- Remember God: After all said and done, the role of God can never be underestimated in the affairs of men. No one can do what God can do, solely because he rules over the earth. Beyond your plaques, achievements and successes, you will still need to hook up with God if you really desire to go a long way in 2009.

* This year can be your best ever in your lifetime even in the face of recession, if you act on these outlined thoughts. HAVE A GREAT YEAR.

1 comment:

  1. My dear thanks for this, this is indeed our year to live a better life...a life of integrity,joy unspeakable and preparation for opportunities!God will help us all to succeed!
