Monday, December 22, 2008


We all have these moments! Don’t feel like you are alone in the world for feeling tired, frustrated or fed up, there are those moments! But those moments don’t just come, they come for a reason. Everything that happens is either cause or effect, and believe me getting tired and fed up is not a cause, it’s an effect.

In case you are wondering, “what did I do, to cause this?” or “Why me?” don’t worry for long, there is a way in, and there is a way out. Weak moments will happen, but you can stay strong in the midst of them. Here are a few tips on how not to get there, and how to get out.

Why do weak moments come?

Weak moments come essentially because we take our eyes off the big picture and assess our current positions. Weak moments come because we momentarily compare ourselves with our surroundings, contemporaries, friends or society. Weak moments are characterised by doubting, a feeling of tiredness, incompetence and mental laziness. These moments come because we shift our eyes from our focus for a brief moment. If weak moments are not well managed, they become sinking moments. One wrong action in this moment, and all we’ve spent years to build come crashing down.

One sure fire way of not getting into these weak moments is to stay focused. Keep your eyes on the big picture, keep the big picture around you. The journey is not going to be easy, the journey is not a given, but the destination is. Keep the picture of the future consistently in front of you. Put it in your office, put it on your desktop, lace your conversations with it, talk about it, imagine it! Doubt happens when belief is overwhelmed by present realities.

How do I get myself out?

1. What are you looking at?

The first way to get out of those weak moments is to change what you were looking at. It’s not only looking in the sense of percieving with the eyes, but also hearing, feeling e.t.c. Who have you been talking with, what is the picture in your mind? What perpetuates the weak moment is a wrong picture or message. Who you spend your time with and the pictures they project before you are critical to your success.

2. Fear Not!

Have you allowed doubt and fear to knock you out of your enthusiasm? The certain way out is the same way you came in. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real, fear is caused by your perception of what you saw. To get out of fear, you must be willing to see things with fresh eyes, to look at the things you see and be accurate about the possible consequences of your action. Don’t let fear cheat you out of your possibilities. Talk to yourself, be afraid but take the actions that lack fear. Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.

3. Cry out!

Men get lost on the road because they never ask for directions. The average man feels it’s a sign of weakness to subject his direction to another man’s fingers - go left, go right then take a turn there :), people feel it’s not macho to ask for help. Well, I hope it’s macho to get lost, because if you cannot ask, you are in for a hell of a task. The person that asks for direction never misses his destination. Don’t try and exhaust all the options on your own, cry out for help. More often than not, help is not far away.

Remember, starts are not celebrated, endings are. Rehearsals are not applauded, performances are. If you rehearse for 20yrs and the programme gets called off before you perform, no one will hear about your rehearsals. Don’t quit while in the game, don’t die sitting down. Get up on your feet and get dirtied in action. Die fighting, or live fighting! The reason any artist is a hit today, is because they continued in obscurity for over 5yrs. Don’t let doubt sway you, keep your eyes on the finish line!

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